It is national Stop Cyber Bullying Day today. Stop Cyberbullying Day is an annual day where everybody can get involved and make a difference both on and off-line. We are keen to create a much safer, more positive online environment for our children. To reinforce our recent e Safety Day messages, the children will participate in a circle-time type activity today, in class, to remind themselves of key messages. We are still discovering that some children are being exposed to unpleasant interactions on-line. Please safeguard your children by not allowing them to play games they are too young for or accessing social media sites – even with settings children are vulnerable.

Do you know what your child is doing and/or experiencing on-line?

Please, please ensure that your child is safe on-line. As always, children can talk to any member of staff about concerns they may have or problems they are experiencing.

cyber bullying

For more information:

17th June 2016
Category: Whole School