Year 6 are taught by Mrs Fry and Mrs Thurston and Miss Tuckley on a Friday in 6KT.
Mrs Draper, Mrs Prince and Mrs Scott are our Year 6 Teaching Assistants.
All children will have a colour-banded book and a library book, as required, to take home and they will be able to change this every Tuesday. If they need to change before their library day they are to liaise with the school teacher. Year 6 PE days are Mondays and Tuesdays – PE kit is to be worn to school on these days.
Home Learning is provided and to be returned via your child’s Google Classroom. If you need to contact the team please email:
Please see below for a Curriculum Overview for the year.
Supporting Your Child with SATs
We kindly ask you not to use the 2023 and 2024 SATs papers for practice at home, as these will be completed in school. By reserving these papers for in-school assessments, we can ensure they provide an accurate reflection of your child’s knowledge and progress. This enables us to tailor our support effectively. Please use these resources:
Reading: Reading Booklet, Reading Paper, Reading Answer Booklet
PGS: Punctuation and Grammar Paper, Spelling Paper, SPAG Answer Booklet
Maths: Arithmetic Paper, Reasoning (Paper 2), Reasoning (Paper 3), Maths Answer Booklet
For additional support, we have created two dedicated folders on the Classwork page of Google Classroom:
- Help with Home Learning
- SATs Practise at Home
We encourage you to explore these resources and use them to guide your child’s preparation.

Spring Term 2025
We begin our second term of Year 6 with non-fiction writing that focuses on our Geography topic of extreme weather. Through analysing a variety of nonfiction texts in both Writing and Guided Reading, we will consider the features and formality of this genre and apply this learning to our own pieces of writing. We will consider the emotional impact of extreme weather to help capture the devastation caused by these events through letter writing from the point of view of survivors.
Our exploration into weather and climate will be enhanced in our Geography lessons as we explore ecosystems and discuss different biomes. Computing will also complement our learning around weather, as we build and create our own websites based around extreme weather events.
In art we will be learning about perspective drawing and sketching street scenes before and after a tornado rips through it.
Our Spring Maths focus will begin with looking at decimals and percentages and how these link with fractions. Running alongside this, we will look at statistics, and measurement conversions and have an introduction to Yr 6 algebra. We will be continuously revisiting place value, four operations, fractions, shapes and angles. We will continue to develop our arithmetic and problem-solving skills.
Personal Development will be closely linked with our STEM learning this term as we consider how to care for our environment and the impact of global warming and calculate an estimation of our own carbon footprint. We will also continue to practise the skill of empathy and learn about developing our character so that we can contribute positively to our community.
Through the use of enquiry, we are going to be exploring the theory of evolution in science. We will be extending our understanding of animals and the way that they have developed over the last few million years.
PE this term will see us developing our invasion game skills, striking and fielding techniques, choreographing an aerobic gymnastic routine and learning about our health and fitness.
We will continue to prepare the children for their SATs too in a keenness for them to achieve their absolute best. Thank you for parental support with this for ensuring your child completes their Home Learning.
Autumn Term 2024
In English we will jump straight into descriptive writing, where we will use our senses and inspiring texts to create our own setting descriptions and develop characters, – imaginations at the ready!
Reading will compliment our learning around WWII, as we explore The Boy in Striped Pyjamas and Anne Frank’s diary (among other relevant texts). We will be looking at refining our inference skills, using evidence from the text to justify our answers and building on our vocabulary.
Place Value is our first step on a mathematical journey. Being able to explain and understand numbers up to 10 million is our aim – can we order them, compare, read, write, say, partition in both a standard manner and a non-standard way (10345321 can be 10 millions, 3 hundred thousands, 4 ten thousands, 5 thousands, 3 hundreds, 2 tens and one ones but can also be 103 hundred thousands, 2 ten thousands 25 thousands and 321 ones). From here, we move onto applying this to all four operations and become experts at adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. Skills which will be practised and applied in weekly arithmetic lessons.
Science in our first term will see us exploring light and shadow. There will be lots of hands-on activities, including creating our own periscopes, investigating which materials let light pass through them and what causes or changes a shadow. We will then investigate conductivity of various materials during our electricity unit.
Within Humanities, we will travel back to 1939 and the start of WWII. We will be learning about how and why the war started; key facts and dates; key characters and countries and the impact it had on people. We will be learning about the role encryption played in WWII and through our computing, will explore how this works and create our own ciphers to send secret messages using micro:bits. Sticking with the topic of WWII, we will be building on our sketching skills to create soldier portraits.
There will also be time to get creative in music where we will be singing, playing along with and creating pop and grime music. The instrument focus for this term will be glockenspiels.
Getting active this term will see us have fun with outdoor adventure games, develop invasion tactics and practice gymnastics skills.
With all this learning going on, it is important to remember to learn how to look after ourselves and our friends and it is family relationships which underpins our PD lessons. We will also look at diversity – how to embrace differences and how to help others to do this too – linking in nicely with our WW2 history learning.
SATs Parent/Carer Presentation: 29.1.24 – coming soon for 24/25 cohort (keeping here for information sharing)…
With thanks to everyone who attended. Have a question post-meeting? Please do contact the Year 6 team. We are here to work with you and support your child.