snowYou may have seen some weather  forecasts for the Hampshire area predicting the possibility of snow falling over the next couple of days. Hampshire schools have received a weather warning that snow may develop over much of the region and this could make driving hazardous. We cannot be certain about how much, if any, will fall and when, and also what transport difficulties this may cause for our community.

At this moment I do not foresee the need to close the school due to snow. Therefore, children will be expected in to be in school as usual until the end of the week. This could change. Therefore, parents/carers are advised that, should we receive a substantial snow fall, you will receive a text by 7.00am on the morning of snow. If there is snowfall and you normally attend Woodpeckers, please wait at home until you receive a text to avoid a wasted journey.

Mrs Mulhall and Mrs Marshall (Exec. HT of Gomer/Elson Infant Federation) will call each other in the morning ahead of 7.00am to make a joint decision to ensure that we have a consistent approach across the two Gomer schools. We will also post on the website. Please know that our primary concern is for the safety and wellbeing of everyone, which I am sure you will agree, is first and foremost. Many have to travel some distance and if they are unable t do this, we would not be able to cover classes, influencing a decision to close


11th January 2017
Category: Whole School