Summer uniform is welcomed at Gomer Junior after the Easter break and in-line with school policy  can be worn until October half-term. Thank you for supporting the school with smart appearance. Visitors often comment on how smart our community looks.

Summer Uniform Checklist:

Royal blue jumper/cardigan (ideally with school logo)

White (no blue) polo type shirt with a collar or a white cotton shirt with a stiff collar

For boys:  Grey or black trousers or shorts

For girls:  Grey or black trousers, shorts or culottes or dark blue gingham dresses or gingham blouse and skirt to be worn as a two piece

Long or short white, grey or black socks

Sensible black or dark coloured shoes (no trainers other than for PE) or sensible sandals

Light weight sensible coat

 PE Kit:

White shorts

Blue t-shirt (ideally with school logo)

Socks (barefoot for indoor PE)

Plimsolls or trainers

Any suitable and sensible tracksuit for winter months

 School Bags:

Suitable PE bag, preferably drawstring

Book bag optional and can be bought via the school office

Small bag if not using a school book bag

This kit should be brought to school on Mondays and taken home on Fridays, for washing, if necessary.

N.B. All of the kit outlined above, with the exception of the logoed jumper, can be purchased from a range of suppliers for very competitive prices. Skoolkit, based in Fareham supply all of the items identified on

Dark blue dress

22nd March 2017
Category: Whole School