At Gomer we have embraced Fidget Spinners. Y6 are using their cake sale profits to buy a class set! Children across the school know not to use them in class and squirrel them away well in their bags and pockets. Amongst our children there is a fabulous array of designs, colours and weighted spinners. Today, in assembly, we introduced our Fidget Spinner Challenge. Each class is exploring an activity that their Fidget Spinner can be used for, in addition to necessary spinning. The children and staff shared some super ideas including:

  • use of mathematical words to name Fidget Spinners in relation to shape
  • rotational patterns
  • persuasive writing to ensure Fidget Spinners are not banned in school
  • upcycling Fidget Spinners for decoration or to enhance performance
  • rotational symmetry opportunities
  • observing their spinners and investigating the length of time a spinner stays spinning.
  • developing a spinning technique
  • finding the average spin length
  • graphing the spin times and comparing and graphing class data of all of the spinners.
  • amongst others…

Using some of our gSTEM time, children will work together to organise their ‘class offer’. The aim is to showcase these in assembly on Monday 22 May. We then plan to publish our ‘book’ of Gomer Fidget Spinner learning. We like to be creative at Gomer and thought this current craze a super opportunity to encourage the children to implement their many STEM skills. The class with the most creative response will be rewarded.

Fidget Spinner

8th May 2017
Category: Whole School