Our Junior Road Safety Officers started their monitoring today, outside the Gomer school site, in partnership with Gomer Infant School. Due to concerns, raised by other parents/carers and neighbours regarding the dangerous and illegal parking of some, our Junior Team wanted to address this head on. With their JRSO Leader, Mrs Bottriell, they have organised key children and adults to monitor the issues raised. Today was the first day five child volunteers, Mrs Bottriell and our Parent Governor Mrs Horne patrolled on Pyrford Close, Diana Close, Ladram Road and St. Helens. Their presence acted as a deterrent to some but the children had to issue several ‘dangerous parking tickets’. One parent/carer parked on the yellow lines saying she was simply dropping off a child. Again, parents/carers, please note, the yellow lines MUST NOT be parked on as you are risking the safety of our community. We are aware that parking can be tricky in our locality. You may need to allow more time to park or consider other options such as walking to school or using the Park and Stride, organised for your convenience.
With thanks to the team involved in keeping us all safe. Over the next few weeks you will see a variety of children and adults at drop off and pick up time. We do hope we can avoid having to report unsafe and illegal parking to the Police. This project follows on from many warnings sent by text, newsletter and the website.


7th November 2017
Category: Whole School