When children and young people sleep well, they’re likely to be in a better mood, have more energy, concentrate better, and remember more – which benefits children’s school life. Sleep is an essential building block for children’s mental and physical health. Between school, social, and extracurricular obligations, school-age children often have busy schedules that can make it difficult to get a good night’s sleep. Wherever possible, try to follow a consistent schedule and a wind-down period before bed. To strengthen the association between the bedroom and sleep, have them do homework or other activities in another room where possible.

It is World Sleep Day On Friday so we thought we would focus on this a little bit this week. The assembly will talk through the importance of sleep and provide tips for those children who struggle with sleep – an area some of our children have identified as a need for devekopment. On Thursday, our local NHS Mental Health Support Team (MHST) are coming into school. Some parents/carers have booked to attend the session in The Globe. Our visitors will be leading an assembly for the children all about sleep.

15th March 2022
Category: Uncategorised