Yesterday, Wednesday 16 March, marked the 2022 Young Carers Action Day. It is an annual event, organised by the Carers Trust. The day is about raising public awareness of young carers and young adult carers, the pressure and challenges they face and the incredible contribution they make by caring for their family and friends. As suggested in the name, it is also a day that calls for more action to support our young carers and young adults carers; to give them the extra bit of support they need. In class assembly on Monday, we will be using resources from the Carers Trust to help raise awareness within our classes and school community. This year’s theme is all about taking action against isolation so children will be taking time to consider how to stay connected, along with how and where to reach out for support when they need it. Those within our community who are young carers will be given time to reflect on (and if they want to, share) their skill, strengths and qualities as a young carer. They will also be able to give us feedback on how we already support them and what action we could take to support them further, while other members of the class will be asked to consider how they can be supportive of the young carers within our community. We have Young Carers across the GFM and we are keen to ensure they know we are here to support them. If you would like to learn more or support the Carers Trust in the work they do to support young carers please follow this link.

17th March 2022
Category: Uncategorised