Physical and Mental Health
Promoting social mealtimes and healthy eating 

Helping your child to try new flavours and have a healthy diet can sometimes feel stressful. As parents and carers, we all come to the dinner table with our own experiences and views on what’s important, which can make it hard to agree on how to approach things at a time when our children need us to be consistent. Learn more about communicating well and managing conflict more helpfully with this online course currently available at no cost to parents/carers in Hampshire.
Simon Says: Child Bereavement Support
We support Hampshire young people up to the age of 18 years who have a significant person in their life who has died or is dying. Support Line Number: 023 8064 7550Simon Says Leaflet: Ways to support bereaved children at Primary School
The Sleep Charity

We are sending information about this wonderful free resource that can help parents and children to learn more about their sleep and develop better bedtime routines. Sleep is essential to brain function, by helping children to sleep better, we can help them to succeed in school. At any given time up to 40% of adults and 50% of children (this rises to 80% with a SEND diagnosis) have difficulties with their sleep. Yet in a recent survey, almost 60% of adults felt there was a lack of support for sleep issues. Sleep problems can leave people feeling isolated and lonely.
Our free helpline is run by trained sleep advisors, many of whom are specialists in working with SEND. We can talk to young people directly, or parents (we can also talk to adults, including older people, about their sleep issues).
The helpline is open 5 times a week, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings 7-9pm, and Monday, and Wednesday mornings 9-11am. The number is 03303 530 541.
School Nursing Team

The School Nursing service works in partnership with children, young people and their families to ensure that pupil’s health needs are supported within their school and their community. This includes those attending a school within Hampshire and those that are home-educated (except Southampton and Portsmouth city schools). Parents/carers and young people can also get support and advice by texting ChatHealth service 
Hampshire Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service

We help children and young people, their families and carers when someone is experiencing emotional well-being or mental health difficulties.
Should I make a referral?

Fareham and Gosport Young CarersWe’re here for young caring heroes! If you’re aged 8 to 18 and you care for a close family member then we can support you. Take some time out for yourself, meet other young carers, get advice and guidance, and have some fun.
Zones of Regulation 

The Zones of Regulation is an internationally renowned intervention which helps children to manage difficult emotions, known as ‘self-regulation’. Self-regulation can go by many names such as ‘emotional regulation’, ‘self-control’, ‘impulse management’ and ‘self-management’. 

Parenting Smart

Parenting advice from child mental health experts – practical tips to support children’s wellbeing and behaviour.
Local Opportunities
Motiv8: Life Chances for Young People: Gosport & Fareham Youth Events and Activities
Providing a range of activities to inspire and support vulnerable people is a challenge. Motiv8 provides regular Youth Hubs which help develop confidence and positivity by providing a range of activities to explore. Youth Hub – Every Monday from 5.30pm – 7pm at Unit 29 Toronto Place, Gosport PO12 4UZ (Ages 7 – 11)Chill Out Tuesdays & Sexual Health Advice – Every Tuesday from 3.30pm – 5pm at Unit 29 Toronto Place, Gosport PO12 4UZ (Ages 13+)Youth Hub – Every Wednesday from 5.30pm – 7pm at Unit 29 Toronto Place, Gosport PO12 4UZ (Ages 9 – 12)Youth Hub/ Music Project – Every Thursday from 6.00pm – 7.30pm at Rowner Community Centre, 77 Blanchards Ave, Gosport, PO13 8NF (Ages 13+) For any further information please call the Gosport team on 02392 525 026
Gosport Community Hub

Our vision is to listen, connect and empower. 
Opened in April 2022, the Gosport Community Hub is a new, inclusive and welcoming space for the community. The team at the Hub will be working together with other community organisations, to host events, workshops and groups to support Gosport residents. Located on-site at Brune Park Community School,  the Hub is a space that reflects and responds to the needs of the community. Our vision is to listen, connect and empower individuals and families to strive and achieve a better and more sustainable future.
Wrap Around Care For Service Families
If criteria are met each child is eligible for 20 hours of funded childcare per week. This can be used for breakfast and/or after-school clubs or an alternative provider such as a childminder.
Discover my Benefits is your starting point to start the claim. 
Parent and Carer Challenges
Debt and relationships

Money troubles can be one of the biggest causes of relationship stress. The relationships experts at OnePlusOne have put together this FREE package offering advice about what to do if you or your partner are in debt. These animated real-life stores talk about the impact debt can have on relationships and explain why it’s good to talk about problems and seek help early if you need it. Residents in Hampshire can access these materials by visiting 
Parental separation
Separating can be difficult for everyone involved. Getting it Right for Children helps parents develop effective ways to co-operate after separation. Now available to parents in (insert local authority area), find out more at 
Awareness about the impact of parental conflict 

All relationships have their tricky moments. But it’s when there is too much arguing or people are giving each other the silent treatment a lot, it can be harmful to children. This might mean children’s well-being and behaviour is affected, their health can suffer or that they don’t do as well at school.
Check out the Strengthening Parental Relationships toolkit for information about what can trigger arguments, and to develop your ability to manage things in a calmer, more helpful way. 
Parent and Carer Workshops
Transitions: starting a new school 

We know that starting a new school or changing classrooms can be a source of anxiety for children and their families. Adding this to all the other balls you’re juggling can create a spike in stress and make arguments/conflict between parents more likely. Knowing how to argue in a constructive way can make all the difference to your relationships. Learn more with this online course currently available at no cost to residents in Hampshire. 
Childhood Experiences (ACE’s)The course has been created to inform and educate parents about the I impact of ACEs on them and their children.  The ACEs Recovery Toolkit Programme works with people who have experienced ACE’s that have resulted in emotional trauma, the course aims to assist parents at looking at ways of developing positive lifestyle changesReferral required through the Hampshire Early Intervention Pathway
Family links Nurture Programme

The programme is 10 weeks long and covers: -Emotional Health and Mental Well-BeingRelationship Skills and Positive Behaviour Management StrategiesSelf-Awareness and Self EsteemAppropriate Expectations and EmpathyPositive DisciplineReferral required through the Hampshire Early Intervention Pathway

Working within a strength-based and solution-focused approach the key elements of ‘Let’s get healthy’ with HENRY are:
* Parenting skills
* Eating patterns and behaviour
* Healthy eating physical activity
* Emotional wellbeing
*Referral required through the Hampshire Early Intervention Pathway
Young Parents

A group for young parents, these sessions are designed to make young parents feel comfortable in getting the help and support you need.  Our expert staff are on hand to provide any one-to-one support on specific issues, while the group sessions give you a chance to discuss your experiences with each other. Referral required through the Hampshire Early Intervention Pathway

* Build your skills as a parent
*Learn how to deal with specific concerns with advice on managing your child’s behaviour
* Discover new ways to help your child learn and develop
* Whether the single issue is dealing with specific problems, such as managing the household, supporting healthy lifestyles or attachment and bonding, then SOS can support families in finding the best solution.
Referral required through the Hampshire Early Intervention Pathway
Non-Violent Resistance Programme

NVR is a new approach, which has been specifically developed for responding effectively to aggressive, violent, self-destructive and controlling behaviour in children, adolescents and young adults.NVR is now being successfully used with anxious young people, whose obsessive-compulsive behaviour controls the family, or who isolate themselves socially, have become addicted to the internet, or refuse to go to school. A further area in which the approach is proving very helpful, is working with families in which young adults show ‘entrenched dependency’, and young adults with ongoing serious mental health problems.
Referral required through the Hampshire Early Intervention Pathway