Thank you for supporting us with providing your child with the correct uniform. We are proud of how smart the children look. At Gomer Junior School we have a school uniform because we recognise that a consistent uniform approach increases children’s identity and self-esteem, impacting positively on behaviour. It also puts the children in the right frame of mind for working. Additionally, it ensures that pupils are not differentiated one from another because of the clothes they wear to school. We have given careful consideration to the uniform list ensuring that it is readily available and reasonably priced. Children are to wear their PE kit to school on their PE days – please see calendar for these.

PLEASE mark your child’s name in ALL clothing and personal belongings to help us return them if they are mislaid.

Skoolkit are our uniform supplier. They have a shop in Fareham or you can order their products on-line.

All of the kit outlined above, with the exception of the logoed jumper, PE t shirt and PE zipped sports sweatshirt can be purchased from a range of suppliers for very competitive prices.

Winter Uniform (to be worn from after October half term) checklist:

Royal blue jumper / cardigan (ideally with school logo) white polo type shirt with a collar or a white cotton shirt with a stiff collar.
For boys: Grey or black trousers and short white, grey or black socks.
For girls: Grey or black trousers, skirt (not a mini) or culottes and / or pinafore long or short white, grey or black socks or black, grey or royal blue tights.
Sensible black shoes (no trainers unless all black and shoe like), trainers for PE days and a sensible coat.

Summer Uniform (to be worn from start of Summer Term and until October half term) checklist:

Royal blue jumper / cardigan
White polo type shirt with a collar or a white cotton shirt with a stiff collar.
For boys: Grey or black trousers or shorts and short white, grey or black socks.
For girls: Grey or black trousers, shorts (not cycling shorts) or culottes or dark/navy blue gingham dresses, or playsuits or gingham blouse and skirt (not a mini) to be worn as a two piece, long or short white, grey or black socks.
Sensible black shoes (no trainers unless all black and shoe like) or sensible/supportive black or white sandals and , trainers for PE days.
Light weight sensible coat.

PE Kit:

  • Plain black shorts, cycling shorts or skort – no logos
  • Gomer blue t shirt with Team Gomer colour house on the rear (Skoolkit Fareham stock these)
  • Gomer Blue zipped PE sweatshirt with Team Gomer colour house on the rear and Gomer G on the front (Skoolkit stock these) – if children do not wear this they will need a school jumper on PE days.
  • Socks (barefoot for indoor PE)
  • Trainers
  • Tracksuit bottoms or leggings in Gomer blue or black  (no text or logos) for winter months
  • Black base-layers

School Bags:

Book bag optional and can be bought from Skoolkit
Small bag if not using a school book bag

Hair: In line with health and safety and to maintain a smart appearance, hair that can be tied back needs to be tied back (in any way you choose) with discrete neutral or school-coloured hair ties / bands.

One natural colour, grade 2 or longer. Extremes of fashion of the colouring or the nature of the cut are not acceptable.


With the exception of a single or a pair of stud earrings in pierced ears or a digital or analogue watch, children should not wear jewellery to school. Fitness trackers are welcomed for time telling and the tracking of ‘steps’. Smart Watches, which are camera and internet-enabled enabled are not permitted in school due to the possible distraction that these devices can pose. Any misuse (e.g. playing a game that some are enabled with) will lead to them not being permitted in school. The school cannot accept any responsibility or liability for mislaid personal jewellery. To help keep your child safe, earrings and watches need to be removed for PE. Therefore, you may wish to advise your child not to wear these on PE days.