Some time ago, we were visited by Winchester University (they work collaboratively with the Royal Academy of Engineering – RAEing) who were researching the impact of ‘Engineering Habits of Mind’ (EHoM) on children’s learning. Gomer Junior introduced EHoM to our teaching approach soon after the launch of gSTEM in September 2015. EHoM compliments our gSTEM wheel and Foundations of Learning superbly. EHoM is not isolated to gSTEM, but runs through our whole curriculum.
Mrs Digby and Mrs Mulhall were delighted to attend a conference, upon invitation, at The Royal Academy of Engineering in London 30.3.2017. Mrs Mulhall was invited by Professor Bill Lucas to speak at the event. She talked passionately about the superb teaching provided by Team Gomer and how positively the children have responded. She could have talked for ages about the children’s many successes!
The case study surrounding Gomer Junior was released soon after.
The researchers have not found another school who has committed as much time as Gomer to STEM or been as successful. Gomer Junior are rightly proud that gSTEM is embedded in our curriculum and engaging all our learners. Gomer Junior continue to pioneer STEM at primary level because we really are ‘learning today, for the challenge of tomorrow’.