Open Day for 2025 Year 3 Applications
We love our school and are proud of the children and their many achievements. We welcome perspective Parents/Carers to our Open Day on Wednesday 6 November 2024, in the School Hall at 09.00 or 14.20. This was an opportunity to be introduced to the school, meet the school leadership and have a tour of the school. Not able to join us? Please do join us for a tour of the school on Wednesday 20 November at 16.15-16.45.
You can see the slides from our 2024 Open Day below.
Key dates for applying for a Year 3 place for 2025:
- Friday 1 November 2024: application process for Year 3 junior school places opens
- Wednesday 06 November: open morning (9am) and open afternoon (2.20pm) in the school hall
- Wednesday 15 January 2025: Applications are due by
- Wednesday 16 April 2025: Parents/carers will be notified of school places
- Wednesday 20 November: in the event you can not meet with us on Wednesday 23 October, we have made available a tour of the school at 4.15-4.45pm.
Click here to visit the HCC site where you can apply for your September 2025 school place.
Transition is a major event not only for a young person but also for the family members that support their child. It is therefore our aim to ensure that the transition journey is enjoyable, informative and exciting. A move to a new school and organisation (King’s Group Academy) is a significant time for any family. During the transition, every family will receive a warm welcome and opportunities to learn more about the school, Team Gomer, our approach and have opportunities to preview KS2 learning. For some, transition will be an exciting time. For others, this will be a time of nervousness. Whatever ‘change’ means for your child, our established team will ensure that our offer is inclusive and we will endeavour to meet need. You can be confident that Team Gomer are committed to ensuring that all children are given the opportunity to reach their full potential with an understanding that this takes children, as individuals, different amounts of time.
Transition 2024: Y2-Y3 (2025 information to be shared in due course)
Our Transition Website for our 2024 Year Three learners is live and a helpful source of information. Please see our Parent/Carer Welcome Meeting (2.7.2024) slides below (we e mailed this to our families also):
Team Gomer are always keen to introduce their junior school community. Our New Starters Open Day video was made during lockdown but the content is still relevant and you can watch it below.
Transition Menu 2024
To help your child with their transition our menu of activity includes:
- w/b 17.6.2024: e mail sent home with Class Teacher, House information.
- w/b 24 June: Year 3 team to visit pupils in their current school.
- Tuesday 2 July: Meet Team Gomer. Child and parent(s) to attend a Welcome Meeting in the King’s Academy Gomer School Hall at 3.30pm and access a carousel of activities. This is a really valuable opportunity and we look forward to the whole cohort being in attendance. It will be difficult for us to accommodate younger or older siblings so please aim to make alternative arrangements for them. Google Classroom log-ins will be provided at this meeting. Every child is encouraged to log-in to gain familiarity with the online classroom before their arrival in year 3, as it is used for all Home Learning and live teaching if required (and continued if your child moves to a King’s Group secondary school). You will find:
- Link 360 Tour – to navigate at your leisure which includes key information and staff appearances.
- Access to online transition activities to prepare for the onsite visit in July.
- Ongoing support with Google Home Learning throughout their time at Gomer and continue using it if they move to a King’s Group secondary school.
- Thursday 11 July: Children to spend the whole day at King’s Academy Gomer – they will need a packed lunch (provided by GIS if your child is in receipt of Free School Meals).
- Thursday 11 July: FROGS Y2/Y3 disco – 4:15-5:15. Y2 are invited to join our Y3 pupils to this popular event, free of charge, as part of their transition.
- Monday 2 September: INSET day.
- Tuesday 3 September: First day for Year 3. Y3 only will return to the school site as part of their transition. Whole school to return to the school site on Wednesday 5 September.
We will do everything we can to support every child with their transition to King’s Academy Gomer. For some, this will be an exciting time. For others, this will be a time of nervousness. Whatever ‘change’ means for your child our established team will ensure that our continued offer is inclusive and will endeavour to meet need. We look forward to working in collaboration with our parents and carers and, the time when we can meet in person.