King’s Academy Gomer are committed to supporting children, with home learning e.g. at weekends and in times of whole school closure or self-isolation due to medical need.
Our offer:
- Minimises the disruption to pupils’ learning journey
- Utilises Google Classroom for whole school closures
- Provides school-home engagement which works alongside our safeguarding policy to keep children safe in education
- Endeavours to overcome any barriers to learning at home
- Affords the opportunity for all learners to complete their work to the best of their ability
- Seeks to work with our children to support their social, emotional and mental health needs
Educational Provision
We are aware that children may need to learn at home for different reasons. We have identified different scenarios for when children may need to learn at home and have organised provision for these occasions.
Click here for a detailed over-view of our Remote Learning provision.
If the whole school is closed, in the first instance, pupils are to access their regular Google Classroom. This will be used to teach live lessons and provide home learning tasks. In the event we move to more than a one-day closure, the Gomer curriculum will move on-line e.g. lessons, assemblies, Google meets etc.
If a child requires a period of self-isolation due to a national pandemnic children are to access their self-isolating Google Classroom – this is different to the Google Classroom we use on a weekly basis. The classroom has been populated with a weekly timetable and subjects have been linked to teaching inputs and activities from Oak Academy. Additionally, we will include extra activities which can be used to complement the timetable or used in isolation. Access will only be given to pupils recorded as self-isolating. The self-isolating pupil will be sent an email to join the self-isolating Google Classroom or pupils can log on to their regular Google Classroom to see the invitation – just click join. Links to the self-isolating Google Classroom, accessed by the pupil log-in, can be found below. A pupil can apply to join by clicking the link:
Resources to Support Remote Learning
We have provided an online Primary Phase Bank of online resources to support children whilst learning at home. Pupils at Gomer will see the linked Gomer Portal (see above) as soon as they log onto their Google classroom.
Want to navigate around the Google Classroom? Please access our Google Quick Start Guides
Want to access the government’s online lesson platform? Oak Academy can be accessed by all learners at any time of the academic year. The Oak Academy provides teaching and learning resources for all curriculum areas and can be used for remote learning for every year group. We have aligned Oak Academy units of learning to our own curriculum to support children’s learning journeys. Please see ‘educational provision’ below. Please see video and help sheet of how to access the learning materials. No access to a device? If your child does not have access to a device such as a PC or laptop and/or the internet, it is the parents/carers responsibility to inform the school to discuss alternative arrangements.
When learning online we require a commitment from our parents/carers to:
- Account for your child’s attendance as per school policy
- Ensure your child is available to learn remotely (or other agreed method), and that the learning set is completed and to the best of their child’s ability. Please communicate with us if this is not possible.
- Ensure your child attends live lessons in uniform and behaves within the school expectations. If unable to attend scheduled live lessons, parents/carers are to inform the school
- Adhere to the parent/carer home school agreement
- Adhere to the Online Protocols for successful online learning
- Report any technical issues to the teacher as soon as possible
We require a commitment from our pupils to:
- Ensure learning tasks are completed and to the best of their ability
- Ensure they have access to remote learning material and notify a responsible adult if they do not have access
- During whole school closure attend live lessons or sessions in school uniform
- Adhere to the Behaviour Policy and Online Protocols for successful online learning
Gomer School are committed to supporting children, with home learning.