Year 3 have been exploring the fascinating world of animals, including humans, in our science lessons. One of the key areas we’ve been studying is the purpose of the skeleton. We have learned that the skeleton not only provides support for our body but also protects vital organs and helps us move. We’ve discussed the number of bones in the body, comparing how adults have fewer bones than babies due to some bones fusing as we grow. We’ve also been identifying some of the key bones, such as the skull, spine, ribs, and femur.

Today, we took our learning a step further by labelling the key bones on a diagram, which helped us understand their names and positions. We also created moving skeletons to see how joints play a crucial role in allowing movement. This hands-on activity helped us grasp how joints work like hinges or pivots, making it easier for us to move in different ways. Next, we’ll be adding muscles to our skeletons to explore how muscles work with bones to produce movement, deepening our understanding of how our bodies function.

5 March 2025