Subject Vision

At King’s Academy Gomer, we are committed to developing confident, curious, and resilient mathematicians who see the value and purpose of maths in the real world. We aim to provide a high-quality, ambitious curriculum that ensures every child develops a deep conceptual understanding of mathematical principles, fluency in key skills, and the ability to reason and problem-solve effectively.

Our Approach to Maths at King’s Academy Gomer

At King’s Academy Gomer, we are committed to ensuring every child develops a strong mathematical foundation, confidence in their abilities, and a love for learning. Our maths curriculum is designed to help children master key concepts through a structured and engaging approach, ensuring they can apply their knowledge in real-life situations.

To ensure this depth of conceptual understanding, we follow the Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) approach. This means children first use practical, hands-on resources, then progress to visual representations, and finally develop their ability to work with abstract concepts. This structured method helps all learners, regardless of ability, to build confidence and retain key knowledge.

Please follow the links below for to view our progression map documents.

Fluency, Reasoning & Problem-Solving

We focus on building strong number fluency, arithmetic skills, and mathematical understanding so that children can confidently tackle reasoning and problem-solving tasks.  

  • Daily ‘Rapid Recall’ activities help reinforce key concepts, enabling pupils to retrieve and apply their learning in a variety of contexts.
  • Throughout every lesson, all children will have the opportunity to work on their fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills 
  • Weekly arithmetic focused sessions allow the children further opportunities to practice their mental and written strategies for calculation.
  • Regular problem-solving focused lessons enable children to apply problem-solving strategies outside of their current learning unit.

Our Teaching Approach: Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract (CPA)

We follow the Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) approach to support deep mathematical understanding. This means children first use practical, hands-on resources, then progress to visual representations, and finally develop their ability to work with abstract concepts. This structured method helps all learners, regardless of ability, to build confidence and retain key knowledge.

Supporting All Learners

At King’s Academy Gomer, we embrace an inclusive teaching approach that prioritises adaptive teaching strategies to ensure all pupils make progress together. We believe that every child can achieve their potential through high-quality teaching, well-planned support, and sufficient time to develop a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. Through the use of adaptive teaching strategies we ensure all pupils, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), are supported. For children who grasp concepts quickly, we provide opportunities for deeper thinking and greater challenge. We want every child to leave us being secondary ready.

Mathematical Language & Communication

Developing strong reasoning skills is at the heart of our curriculum. We encourage children to explain their thinking clearly using precise mathematical language and to justify their methods, helping them develop confidence and clarity in their problem-solving.

Real-World Maths & Cross-Curricular Links

We want children to see the relevance of maths in everyday life. We provide opportunities to apply mathematical skills in real-world contexts and across other subjects such as science, computing, and geography, helping them to recognise the importance of maths beyond the classroom.

Fostering Confidence & a Love of Maths

We nurture a positive attitude towards maths, helping children develop resilience and a growth mindset. We encourage pupils to see mistakes as part of the learning process and to approach challenges with confidence. Our lessons are designed to be engaging, interactive, and inspiring.

Our teaching is underpinned by the Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) approach, enabling pupils to build strong foundations by moving from hands-on experiences to visual representations and, finally, abstract reasoning. Teachers carefully scaffold learning and provide appropriate challenge to meet the needs of all learners.


We use ongoing assessment to identify gaps in learning and misconceptions, ensuring that children receive timely support and challenge. This helps us to track progress and tailor our teaching to meet the needs of all learners. The following methods are used to assess progress and measure impact:

  • Low stakes quizzing including Rapid Recall and arithmetic quizzes
  • Continuous, in the moment, teacher formative assessment 
  • Half termly teacher assessment to measure overall progress and attainment
  • Termly assessments and subsequent data analysis

High-Quality Teaching & Staff Development

Our teachers are committed to delivering high-quality maths teaching. Following regular monitoring by the Maths lead and SLT through targeted learning walks, book looks and professional dialogue, our staff engage in regular professional development to ensure we are continually refining our approach to achieve the best outcomes for all pupils.

We are currently working with the NCETM through their Maths Hub to further enhance the pedagogical understanding of our colleagues in the planning and delivery of Maths teaching with a focus on using the Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract approach throughout the school.

Home Learning

To provide additional opportunities for our children to practice the skills taught in lessons and to retrieve key knowledge, children are expected to engage in two weekly mathematics-based home learning tasks:

  • Times Tables Rockstars (focus on retrieval of multiplication facts)
  • Maths task focused on learning from lessons that week