TTRS Challenge

This week, our children have been rocking their way to success in the Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS) National Challenge ! The excitement in school has been palpable as everyone got stuck into practising their times-tables, aiming to secure a spot on the national leaderboard. Times tables are a fundamental part of mathematics. Knowing these ...

Odd Socks Day

Our Anti-Bullying Week started on Monday. The important week raises awareness about bullying and highlights ways we can make our school a welcoming place for everyone. This year, the theme is ‘Choose Respect’—encouraging us all to show kindness and appreciation towards others and ourselves. What Does Respect Mean? Respect is at ...

Year 6 Visit to the Local ARP Bunker

Last week, Year 6 had an incredible opportunity to visit the local ARP (Air Raid Precautions) bunker from World War II. Before the visit, we compared maps of Alverstoke from today with maps from 1936, just before the war broke out, to see if we could work out why the bunker was built where it was. To our surprise, we discovered that the b ...

Meet Our Wonderful School Librarians

We are delighted to introduce our dedicated team of school librarians who play an important role in making our library a fantastic place to be! Working alongside Mrs Kidd, our librarians are passionate about sharing their love of reading with everyone at school. Our librarians help to keep our library organised, ensure books are easy to f ...

Lest We Forget: Honouring Remembrance

We are incredibly proud of all our children who took part in yesterday’s Remembrance Gatherings in and around Gosport. It was moving to see so many of our pupils on parade at the War Memorial, representing Gomer and honouring those who sacrificed so much. A special commendation goes to Parker and Penny, who were superb Gomer ambassadors a ...

Online Safety Newsletter

This month’s online safety newsletter (e-mailed home to all parents/carers) highlights important information about WhatsApp. We recommend reviewing this and taking appropriate steps to support your child’s safety online.  Your ongoing support in keeping your child safe online is invaluable. In our ever-evolving digital world, we must stay ...

Year 4’s Fascinating Visit to Fishbourne Palace

Just before half-term, Year 4 embarked on an exciting trip to Fishbourne Palace to enrich their understanding of Ancient Roman life. The day was packed with hands-on learning, offering Year 4 a chance to step back in time and explore the rich history of Roman culture in an authentic setting. From marvelling at the intricate designs of the ...

PTA Firework Spectacular 2024: A Night to Remember!

What an unforgettable evening at this year’s PTA Firework Spectacular, hosted in partnership by both Gomer schools! As always, Glitter Events delivered an incredible display that dazzled us with a breathtaking array of colours, sounds, and sizes. The sky was ablaze with vibrant bursts, painting a beautiful scene that left everyone in awe. ...

Looking Forward to Our PTA Fireworks Display

We are excited for tomorrow’s PTA Gomer Community fireworks display and we would like to extend a big thank you to everyone who has bought tickets in support of the Gomer schools. We can’t wait to enjoy this spectacular evening together! As we celebrate, we are also mindful of our furry friends in the community. We kindly ask that you kee ...