Please note:
- no employees have a gross annual salary and benefits which exceed £100k, in £10k bandings, for the previous year that ended on 31 August
- x1 employee has Facilities Time for union work which equates to 6-9 days per year
King’s Academy Gomer Leaders
Executive Head: Mrs G Mulhall
Associate Head Teacher: Mrs K Digby
Assistant Head Teachers: Miss K Tuckley & Miss D Sewell (who work across Gomer & Rowner)
The school leaders are all trained DSLs and work as a team. Miss Sewell is our Designated Teacher for LAC & Mrs Digby is also our SEND Leader – contact details
Senior Admin Officer: Mrs M Austin
Admin Officer: Mrs M Kidd and Mrs S Prince
Year 3 Team: Miss I Annison – Humanities Leader and Mrs H Guyett-Smith – Maths Leader
Year 4 Team: and Mrs Carré – RE Leader, Mr Merrifield – Thursdays (PE Leader) and Mrs L Wheal (Lower School Phase Leader) – Art and DT Leader
Year 5 Team: Mrs E Gardner – Science Leader and Mrs Lethbridge
Year 6 Team: Mrs L Fry – PD Leader and Mrs Thurston (M, T, W & Th) – Computing Leader
Teaching Associate Manager: Mrs S Mawby
Librarian: Mrs M Kidd
Learning Mentors – Learning and Pastoral Support Team
Mrs L Arnold and Ms Kimber
Teaching Assistants
Mrs G Adom-Baffour ** Miss C Billing ** Mrs K Draper ** Miss D Hall (Service Club Leader on Tuesday lunchtime) ** Miss L Hanaway **Mrs S Prince ** Mrs A Rutherford ** Mrs J Scott ** Mrs Shadbolt
GClub: Mrs Case & Miss S Shadbolt & Mrs K Miles-Williams
Site Assistant: Mr M Guest
Catering Team: Mrs M Davis and Mrs T Elgie