Year 3 are taught by Miss Annison, Mrs Guyett-Smith and Mr Merrifield.

Mrs Adom Baffour, Mrs Billing (on maternity leave), Miss Hannaway and Mrs Rutherford are our Year 3 Teaching Assistants.

All children will have a colour-banded book and a library book to take home and they will be able to change this every Thursday.  If they need to change before their library day they are to liaise with the school teacher. We can provide a reading log if you require it. Year 3 PE days are Wednesdays and Fridays – PE kit is to be worn to school on these days.

Home Learning is provided and to be returned via your child’s Google Classroom. If you need to contact the team please email:

Please see below for a Curriculum Overview for the year.

Spring Term 2025

Welcome to Year 3 Learning Adventures! This term, our journey moves from exploring the fascinating landscapes of North America and the prehistoric world of the Stone Age to the dramatic forces of Volcanoes and Earthquakes and the captivating history of Ancient Egypt. Let’s dive into what we will be learning and creating this term.

We will begin by exploring the science behind volcanoes and earthquakes, uncovering how these natural phenomena shape our planet. The children will step into the shoes of TV news reporters to create their own Earthquake News Reports, delivering dramatic updates from the epicenter of a fictional quake. Creativity will erupt as they craft shape poems inspired by the fiery imagery of volcanoes, using words to replicate the shapes of lava flows and volcanic cones.

From there, we’ll travel back in time to ancient Egypt, where children will learn how to mummify. Through hands-on activities, students will write step-by-step instructional guides on how to mummify a chosen object (or even a toy!). They will also uncover Howard Carter’s diaries, recreating diary entries from the famous archaeologist who discovered King Tutankhamun’s tomb. In PE lessons, the children will express themselves through Egyptian-themed dance, bringing ancient rituals and stories to life.

In reading, we will initially dive into information texts and poems about Volcanoes and Earthquakes before moving into Ted Hughes’ The Iron Man, exploring themes of resilience and friendship through writing and discussion. In Maths, we’ll focus on key skills, including multiplication and division, building fluency in times tables and division facts, and fractions, where children will learn to identify, compare, and use fractions in practical contexts.

This term’s science topics will focus on rocks and animals. Children will investigate different types of rocks, how they are formed, and their uses. They will also explore animal life cycles and understand how animals adapt to their environments.

Our RE lessons will explore themes of Good and Evil through engaging stories and festivals. Highlights include Holi, the Festival of Colours, celebrating the triumph of good over evil, and Easter, where children will reflect on themes of suffering, hope, and renewal.

We will also focus on health and wellbeing, encouraging children to think about their role in their community and how to maintain a positive mindset through citizenship activities and building resilience.

In computing, the children will learn programming basics through Scratch, creating simple animations and interactive stories. They will also use their coding skills to design an animated sequence inspired by this term’s topics.

Physical activity will include invasion games, where children engage in team-based sports to build strategy and cooperation, and Egyptian-themed dance, exploring movement inspired by ancient stories and rituals.

We’re excited for a term full of exploration, creativity, and learning. Thank you for your continued support; together, let’s make this a memorable journey for our Year 3 adventurers!

Autumn Term 2024

Welcome to an exciting new school year! This Autumn Term, our Year 3 students will embark on a magical journey that will ignite their imaginations and broaden their horizons. We have a captivating curriculum designed to engage and inspire young minds.

As part of Humanities, our geography topic this term focuses on the vibrant city of Orlando, home to the enchanting Disney World. We will explore the unique geographical features of Orlando and compare its location to our very own Gosport. Through interactive lessons and engaging activities, we will gain a deeper understanding of these contrasting locations. In English, we will harness the magic, awe and wonder of Disney to fuel our creative writing. Our classes will delve into the whimsical worlds of “Where The Wild Things Are” and “Leon and The Place Between.” These beloved stories will serve as inspiration as students develop their writing skills, creating their own magical narratives. Later in the term, we will transport back in time to the Stone Age. Students will create a “Guide to a Stone Age Person” and craft stories set in this fascinating era. This immersive approach will help them understand the lives of people from this distant past.

In maths, our focus will be on ensuring that the basics are firmly in place. We will cover essential topics such as place value, time, and the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). All children will be demonstrating their skills through using concrete materials before representing these pictorially in their books. As the term progresses, students will build confidence and competence in these foundational areas. These skills will be embedded through daily brain gyms and weekly arithmetic tests. These both help children transfer the skills from their short term memories to their long term memories; this helps their maths for the rest of the year

In our gSTEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) sessions, we will initially look at who and what is an engineer is and linking this in with Robert Dyson before moving on to explore the innovative concept of floating gardens. We will learn about sustainable practices and the significance of these gardens in various cultures. Our science curriculum will investigate the wonders of forces and magnets, as well as the intriguing concepts of light and shadow. Hands-on experiments and observations will encourage curiosity and deepen scientific understanding. We will also learn about fair testing and using scientific questioning. 

In the broader curriculum we will be exploring themes of belonging, baptism, holiness, and studying the Madonna & Child in RE and Art. Whilst in computing, we will learn how to log on to the computers and the different programs which we use and then develop our skills in word processing and desktop publishing. Finally, we will be engaging in dance and gymnastics to promote physical well-being and coordination.

This term promises to be filled with adventure, discovery, and creativity. We are excited to see our Year 3 students flourish as they explore these fascinating topics and develop new skills. Welcome to an unforgettable autumn term at King’s Academy Gomer.