Some of the most well-documented phenomenon in education is the fact that children who attend school regularly do the best at school.
At Gomer Junior School we actively encourage children to be in school whenever possible and are largely successful in this with absence well under the national average. However, it is the responsibility of parents and carers to ensure that this happens. We have a weekly Attendance League, with a weekly whole school target of 96.5%. We regularly exceed this and the class with the best attendance is awarded an Attendance Cup. Our whole school attendance for the last academic year was 97.6% – Go Gomer! We are currently running at 98% so we are set to exceed last year’s target. Our Children and Families Leader, Mrs Wildern monitors the attendance of every child at Gomer Junior on weekly basis. She will communicate with you if the school have a concern about your child’s attendance and will seek to work with you to address this. You may need to attend the GFM Attendance Panel meeting. She works out of class on a Tuesday afternoon and is easily contactable should you want to talk to her.
We ask parents/carers to inform school of the reason for a child’s absence as soon as possible, and no later than 9:15am on the first day of absence. Where a child is ill the school should be notified of the nature of the illness and an idea of when the child is expected to be able to resume school. Parents/carers should use our ‘Absence Request Form’ when needing to take children out of school e.g. for dental or medical reasons.
Parents/carers should be aware that, within the context of the law, parents are not allowed to take children out of school during term times except in the case of illness or for exceptional situations. SCHOOL ARE UNABLE TO AUTHORISE HOLIDAY ABSENCE REQUESTS. PLEASE come and talk to Mrs Mulhall our Executive Head Teacher about attendance matters so that we can work together. For exceptional circumstances, absences can be authorised. The document below will provide you with further information.